New guidance on predicting developmental issues in people with heart defects


奥布拉多维奇/E+ via Getty Images
(奥布拉多维奇/E+ via Getty Images)

Major advances over the past decade have changed the thinking about which congenital heart defect survivors are most at risk for challenges with neurological development, 学习, 他们一生中的情绪和行为, 根据美国心脏协会的一份新报告.

科学声明, 周四发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上, provides updated guidance for health care professionals about how to identify people at high risk for neurodevelopmental delays or disorders and how to evaluate and manage the challenges they face, 从婴儿到成年. 这是对2012年美国心脏协会声明的更新.

"Neurodevelopmental difficulties are among the most common and enduring complications faced by people with congenital heart disease," Dr. Erica Sood, vice chair of the statement's writing group, said in a news release. She is a senior research scientist and pediatric psychologist at Nemours Children's Health in Wilmington, 特拉华州. "的se difficulties can affect a person's ability to function well at school, 在工作中或与同事相处时, and can affect health-related quality of life throughout childhood and into adulthood."

先天性心脏缺陷, 最常见的先天缺陷, refer to structural abnormalities in the heart or nearby blood vessels that occur before a child is born. Advances in treatment have helped more than 90% of people born with heart defects in developed countries to live to adulthood. But little progress has been made to reduce the risk for neurodevelopmental issues in people with the most severe defects.

的 updated AHA statement provides guidance for health care professionals on how to categorize a person's risk level. It includes an updated list of factors that affect neurodevelopmental risk, 比如可以改变心脏发育的基因变异, 大脑和其他器官. Such variants are responsible for nearly one-third of congenital heart defect cases.

报告还指出了新出现的风险因素, such as abnormal placental development and prolonged or repeated exposure to anesthesia or neurotoxic chemicals. 它包括一个关于神经保护策略的章节, such as advances in detecting heart defects before birth and monitoring blood flow to the brain. It also covers how to evaluate and treat neurodevelopmental delays and disorders at different life stages.

"Reducing barriers that people with congenital heart disease and their families often face when trying to access neurodevelopmental supports and services and ensuring sufficient research funding are priority areas for future policies,写作小组主席Dr. 布拉德利年代. 马里诺在沙巴足球体育平台稿中说. He is chief of cardiology and cardiovascular medicine at Cleveland Clinic Children's.

"More research will result in a better understanding of how to prevent and manage neurodevelopmental conditions related to congenital heart disease, which will ultimately improve neurodevelopmental outcomes and health-related quality of life for people with congenital heart disease across their life span,他说.


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